Scouse dialect

Please, share your opinion about Scouse as a sign of regional identity

  1. perfection
  2. I think it stands out. And we get stupid sterio types tagged onto us but it isn't true for us all, we have a name for them types, scallys.
  3. our accent identifies the region we are from as surrounding area's are not as broad. I hope this has been helpful to you. good luck.
  4. its brilliant
  5. Im proud of my region and would never disguise my voice to avoid being labeled.
  6. scouse is the best accent and liverpool is the best place to live, i could dream of living newer eles
  7. i love my city and i love my club. enough said :)
  8. every area has a regional identity and it is unfair to stereotype
  9. liverbird
  10. I find that people often have a stereotype in their head about Liverpool. They try and copy the accent, make jokes about stolen cars and generally take the micky. But it's ok because us Scousers have a good sense of humour and we can take it and then give it back!