Scouse dialect

Please, share your opinion about Scouse as a sign of regional identity

  1. scouse accent is strongly identifiable. depending on which area of liverpool you come from it can range from slight accent to strong accent
  2. Underestimated, misunderstood
  3. Liverpool has a strong sense of community and the Scouse accent is almost like a passport to be accepted as part of that community wherever you are in the world. It is unique and quite distinct from all other accents - if I was in a bar in Sydney, New York, Bankok and I heard a scouse accent across the room, I would feel quite welcome (if inclined) to introduce myself and be recognised and accepted as one of the scouse family.
  4. it defines us as... a's ours and hard for others to copy properly
  5. Again I think the question, emplying that scouse is a regional identity is wrong as its not, its bascially one of the most beauitful accents around the world and i'm fucking glad to be a scouser ! larrrrr
  6. Haaa Boss
  7. it is an extremely important sign and therefore needs to be retained
  8. We're not English, we are Scouse
  9. great
  10. i think most scousers are proud to be scouse and would be happy to be known as 'scouse' instead of 'english' etc. scousers are mainly laid back and generally nice, fun people. 'scousers have more fun!' i think many scousers are proud of their accent and where they come from and will not try to change to fit the situation. take us as you find us :P