Scouse dialect

Please, share your opinion about Scouse as a sign of regional identity

  1. everyone knows where were from
  2. Scouse Is Sound
  3. Different regions of England al have their own regional identities, for example London, Birmingham and Manchester. I'd say that scousers are very proud of their identity, there is a sayin in Liverpool "We're not English we are scouse" and I think this shows that scousers see themselves as having a different identity to the rest of England. There are people who would say that Liverpool is a dangerous place and who look down on people from Liverpool, I would say this is maybe why scousers see themselves as having a strong identity apart from the rest of England. I hope this helps.x
  4. I love being a scoucer but some scouses I don't like being associated with, that I am sure happens with all areas and cities. We get a bad press
  5. The "Scouse language" is the most obvious way of showing where your from. However, I don't personally use that much actual Scouse words. The accent is what I've got. I've been away and lived with different people from the UK and now I'm in Korea, people from all over the world. However, no matter where I've been, people can tell I'm from a little part of a little country. People know my city, and that's something to be damn proud of!
  6. important!
  7. cuz we hav conversations and people will be like wa ?? and they cnt understand us sumtimes
  8. Easily recognisable because of tv use and the famous football club and beatles world wide.
  9. Liverpool is a very cosmopolitan city, but it is particularly strongly influenced by it's Irish links, especially in the accent. I've even heard people utter the phrase "We are not English. We are Scouse." That's a fair reflection of the way some people think, but I wouldn't go that far, personally.
  10. Unfortunately as i mentioned early, a lot of other regions think scousers are bad people "scum". I just like to think we are up front, speak are minds rather than hold back, sometimes that has backfired on Liverpool in the past! We are a proud region, with are heritage and social communities and moral believes.We stick together! I'm proud to be a scouser! Thanks, and good luck with your coarse!