Questionnaire about eTwinning "Getting to know glass" project

Dear colleagues, Please answer the questionnaire before the 20th of May. Your answers will be highly appreciated.

Questionnaire about eTwinning "Getting to know glass" project

1. Vaikų amžius. Age of children *

2. Jūsų asmeninė patirtis vykdant „eTwinning“ projektus. Your personal experience in eTwinning projects *

3.Kiek jūsų mokinių dalyvavo projekte šiais metais? (Nurodykite kiekį). How many of your pupils were involved in the project this year? (Please indicate the number) *

  1. 20
  2. 19 pupil
  3. 14
  4. 24
  5. 19
  6. 18

4. Ar jiems (mokiniams) buvo įdomu? (Prašome įvertinti 1–10, daugiausia 10). Did they (pupils) find it interesting? (Please rate 1-10, 10 being the most). *

5. Kaip vertinate jų (mokinių) dalyvavimą projekte? (Prašome įvertinti 1–10, daugiausia 10). How do you rate their (pupils) involvement into the project? (Please rate 1-10, 10 being the most) *

6. Kokios patirties jie (mokiniai) įgijo? (Trumpai aprašykite). What did they (pupils) gain? (Please shortly describe) *

  1. They learn about glass and its properties - They learned how to paint, decorate, embellish and draw on glass. - develop creative thinking and problem-solving skills - helped each other, shared, cooperated to protect nature by transforming glass into unique products -, experienced the joy of discovery and increased self-confidence, self-efficacy - develop intercultural, digital and cognitive competences, develop critical thinking
  2. Did the children learn what and how glass is made? They liked to study glass, its properties, peculiarities. Creatively draw, decorate, lay mosaics. The children learned that glass should be handled with care. He understood that the glass is transparent, you can see images, it transmits light and sound, but it stops the wind and does not transmit water.
  3. Sužinojo apie stiklą, iš ko jis pagamintas.
  4. Mokiniai plačiau susipažino su stiklo savybėmis, patobulino jau turimas žinias. Pupils learned more about the glass properties, improved their knowledge.
  5. The students were interested. Acquired theoretical and practical knowledge about glass and its properties. They fell in love with glass as a creative and educational medium. Creative thinking and problem solving skills develop.
  6. Learned about glass, its properties and what glass is made of. Created a logo, tried drawing, creating music, a poem, playing games, mosaics.

7. Kokius mokymo metodus taikėte projekto metu? What methods of teaching did you apply during the project? *

  1. Constructivist approach with : critical thinking routines, task method, exercises, movement games, interactive games , experiments
  2. Applied methods: game, conversation, research, observation, experiments, measuring, comparing, calculating, testing, STEAM method, drawing, reading, writing.
  3. Įvairius.
  4. Vykdant projekto veiklas, buvo taikomi individualūs ir grupiniai metodai. While participating in project's activities, individual and group methods were taken.
  5. I have chosen and applied the most suitable and effective methods that arouse children's curiosity and joy of learning, activate and motivate children. Traditional: observation, conversation, interpretation, demonstration, drawing, games. Non-traditional: STEAM, discussion and debate, "brainstorming", experiments, staging, constructive creative interaction between the child and the teacher, work in pairs, groups.
  6. Conversation, game, creativity, group work, use of digital learning objects, experimentation, observation of project members. You learned to appreciate the work of others and your own. Evaluation and self-evaluation, reflection method.You learned to appreciate the work of others and your own. Evaluation and self-evaluation, reflection method. Watch - think - discuss with a friend Thought rain Exploring the student experience. Storytelling, reading, showing, discussing footage.

8. Kas labiausiai patiko jūsų vaikams? (Jūsų nuomonė). What did your children like the most? (Your own opinion) *

  1. Generally everything I offered them involved the children. Glass in music, Glass in math , Glass in art, The story of the glass bead, games and experiments.
  2. They liked to explore, observe, experiment, paint stained glass windows, decorate glass bottles, play.
  3. Pokalbiai, atliekami darbeliai, užduotėlės.
  4. Projekto metu vaikams buvo įdomi ir nauja kiekvieno mėnesio veikla, noras atlikti užduotis laiku ir atsakingai, o labiausiai mokiniams patiko žaidimai, nes taip norisi dar pabūti mažais. In project time, students had interesting and new every month activity, the desire to complete the tasks in time and responsible, the students liked the games most, because they still want to be childish.
  5. Create stained glass windows, paint on glass, decorate bottles, create stories about the glass man, play games offered by project partners.
  6. I liked all the activities, and most of all decorated and painted on glass.

9. Ar aktyviai jūsų mokinių tėvai dalyvavo projekte? (Įvertinimas nuo 1 iki 10, 10 yra didžiausias). How much were the parents of your pupils involved in the project? (Please rate 1-10, 10 being the most) *

10. Ko išmokote iš projekto? (Jūsų nuomonė). What did you learn from the project? (Your own opinion) *

  1. I fell in love with glass;-)) , I've been to a design exhibition, I've watched 3 seasons of a documentary series about artists on Netflix , and for Christmas I bought all my female relatives jewellery modelled on Murano glass. Rita, it was a shot in 10 this topic! Professionally - I learned to use critical thinking routines. I am very happy with the results of the lessons on stained glass using the MOST routine . The questions the children asked were delightful.
  2. Play, create works in pairs, groups. Learned to discuss, share, help each other, complete activities to the end.
  3. Išmokau bendravimo ir bendradarbiavimo.
  4. Išmokome dirbti ir įkelti į projektą atliktas užduotis, naudojant įvairius naujus įrankius, atsakant į klausimus priimti vieningus sprendimus. We learned to work and upload small tasks to the project, while using various new methods, while answering to the questions we look for the same answer.
  5. A new experience in mastering the eTwinning platform. I deepened my knowledge about the emergence of glass in Lithuania. I gained experience in organizing project work, project management, and sharing project activities. I improved intercultural, ICT competences, English language skills. Encouraged improvement in the professional field.
  6. Cooperation learned to negotiate and listen to a friend. Became more attentive, more curious.

11. Ką darytumėte kitaip? (Jūsų nuomonė). What would you do differently? (Your own opinion). *

  1. The project involved pre-schoolers and this limited collaboration. I wish we had done an illustrated story of how glass is made.
  2. The project is great, interesting, diverse, so I wouldn't change anything.
  3. Nieko.
  4. Kiekvienas projektas atneša ką nors naujo, kaip ir kiekvienam projektui yra svarbus ir aiškus planas, ką reikės atlikti ir kas už ką atsakingas, o dalyvaujantiems, aktyvumo bei paraginimo vieni kitų laiku atlikti, kas suplanuota. Every project, gives us something new, like in others, most important is the plan, what we will need to do, and what is responsible for what, for participants activity and the "push" with each other to do the activities in the right time, like we have planned.
  5. I liked everything.
  6. Everything fit and I liked it. Because it was suggested during the course of the project.

12. Ar dalyvausite eTwinning projektuose kitais metais? Will take part in eTwinning projects next year? *

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