Operating System Evolution

Anketos tikslas patikrinti kompiuteriu naudotoju zinias apie naudojamas OS



Which OS do You prefer?

Which version of Linux do You use (Only if you are using Linux)

Which version of Windows do You use (Only if you are using Windows)

Do You agree that Windows is better than Linux?

Which OS has a longest history?

Do You know which OS is most popular now?

Which OS is free for home usage?

Do You know who developed Windows? (Name the person)

  1. A scummy retard
  3. Free Ringtones
  4. Floyd
  5. killering
  6. Bill Gates
  7. geicas
  8. bill
  9. Jaronimas
  10. -

Do You know who developed Linux? (Name the person)

  1. Linux community
  2. xnieKndXn
  3. Kažkoks Linus
  4. Free Ringtones
  5. Skyler
  6. auka
  7. Linus Torvalds
  8. Linus Torvalds
  9. bbz
  10. Petras

Which OS, do You think, is better for server systems?

Which release is latest in Windows family?

In which year Microsoft released Windows ME?

What are the differences between Windows and Linux? (More than one answer is possible)

When was the first Linux version release?

Do You know why computer needs the OS?

If You know please explain why?

  1. To manage hardware and distribute resources. Also to have some access control.
  2. Resursų valdymui, procesų paleidimui.
  3. i dont known
  4. nu neuzduodam durnu klausimu.
  5. For user interface, hardware control
  6. ;]]]]]]]]]]]]
  7. am kad be operacines sistemos is kompo jokios naudos
  8. valdyti kompiuterio komponentus ir ju veikla, bei suteikt patogia prieiga vartotojui
  9. To run all the system.
  10. Because you didn't do anythink with computer without OS.

How do You think, which OS will be most popular in the future?

Why do You think so?

  1. Because X86 will die and so will the proprietary software will. Because of new architectures like ARM and RiscV.
  2. Jei linuxus sugebės padaryti tikrai user-friendly, tai jie turėtų nukonkuruoti visus kitus pretendentus.
  3. nathing
  4. krc lietuviskai sekantis testas butu malonu, kad butu
  5. Best user interface
  6. ;]]]]]]]]]
  7. Todel kad linuxai ira pakankamai sudetini pradedantiesiems,o win yra per daug skyleti.Todel manau jog ateities os turetu buti opensourcines ir lengvai valdomos
  8. nes kolkas tokia perspektyva, nes visi priprate prie windowsu
  9. Because its beeing used by 90% of computer owners right now.
  10. It's nothing beteer created now to be popular later.
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