Operating System Evolution

Why do You think so?

  1. Because X86 will die and so will the proprietary software will. Because of new architectures like ARM and RiscV.
  2. Jei linuxus sugebės padaryti tikrai user-friendly, tai jie turėtų nukonkuruoti visus kitus pretendentus.
  3. nathing
  4. krc lietuviskai sekantis testas butu malonu, kad butu
  5. Best user interface
  6. ;]]]]]]]]]
  7. Todel kad linuxai ira pakankamai sudetini pradedantiesiems,o win yra per daug skyleti.Todel manau jog ateities os turetu buti opensourcines ir lengvai valdomos
  8. nes kolkas tokia perspektyva, nes visi priprate prie windowsu
  9. Because its beeing used by 90% of computer owners right now.
  10. It's nothing beteer created now to be popular later.
  11. Because it became user friendly, simple and is growing and updating and responding to people oppinion of how they'd like to have it.
  12. user-friendly interface is very important for