Kokia jūsų lytis? What's your gender?

Koks jūsų amžius? What's your age?

Kokia jūsų tautybė? What's your nationality?

  1. Hungarian
  2. Lietuvė
  3. Greek
  4. British
  5. Lietuvė
  6. Greek
  7. gypsyland/romania
  8. lietuvė
  9. Finnish
  10. Ukrainian

Koks jūsų išsilavinimas? What's your education?

Koks jūsų užimtumas? What's your occupation?

Kiek sezonų dirbote Atlantica Belvedere Resort? How many seasons have you worked in Atlantica Belvedere Resort?

  1. 1
  2. -
  3. 2
  4. One
  5. 1
  6. 3
  7. 1
  8. viena
  9. 1
  10. 1

Ar teko kada nors dirbti užsienyje? Have you ever worked abroad?

Ar teko dalyvauti mainų programoje studijų metu? Did you participate in an exchange program during your studies?

Ar teko dalyvauti mainų programoje daugiau nei vieną kartą? Have you participated in the exchange program more than once?

Kokia buvo mainų programos trukmė užsienyje? How long was the exchange program abroad?

Ar kada teko susidurti su konfliktais mainų programos atlikimo metu? Have you ever encountered any conflicts during an exchange program?

Parašykite savo nuomonę: koks yra svarbiausias skirtumas tarp ERASMUS studentų dirbančių viešbučio srityje ir nuolatinių darbuotojų? Write your opinion: What is the most important difference between ERASMUS students working in the hotel sector and permanent employees?

  1. I feel that Erasmus student are taken less seriously than permanent employees since they are only there for a specific amount of time
  2. -
  3. More money
  4. N/a
  5. Mažesnė alga
  6. Permanent employees usually work for a living, to feed their families and to live of of it. For students it's usually an experience and a chance to do better in their degree. Which, of course is good.
  7. no
  8. Nuolatiniai darbuotojai dirba pagal kontraktą konkrečioje darbo vietoje. O studentai gali dirbti įvairiuose pozicijose priklausomai kur bus nurodyta, tai yra bare, maitinimo padalinyje arba viešbučio aptarnavime.
  9. Exange students may have different expectations than the permanent employees, who are used to the work culture in the hotel. So exchange students need first time to get to know the work culture at that specific hotel.
  10. There are no differences, they all work the same. Only students are paid less

Kaip manote, su kokiais sunkumais dažniausiai susiduria mainų studentai atvykę į kitą šalį? What do you think are the most common difficulties exchange students face when they come to another country?

Kiek metų jau dirbate viešbučiuose? / How many years have you been working in hotels?

Ar teko susidurti su kokiais nors įdomiais kultūriniais (ar darbo) skirtumais tarp vietinių žmonių ir studentų atvykusių atlikti mainų programos? Jei taip, tai kokių? Did you encounter any interesting cultural (or work) differences between the local people and the exchange students? If so, which ones?


  1. I definitely learnt more about their gastronomy and just how they spend their time in the winter when everything's closed in Kardamaina which is very different than what I have at home
  2. Ne
  3. Way of living. Students look for fun when they are outside of the hotel, locals just continue living as they always did .
  4. Yes, in my perspective exchange students are there not only for work, but also for the culture, country, language, fun etc. Whereas locals are more work-oriented, because the landscape, culture and language is nothing new to them. They aim to work through the summer season so they can rest during the winter.
  5. Not really
  6. Ne
  7. No
  8. It’s actually magnificent that some tradition's are very similar and it’s always nice to learn more about your country and others
  9. Ne

Ar turėjote galimybę globoti / prižiūrėti kurį nors mainų studentą? Jei taip, kokia buvo jūsų patirtis ir kas jums buvo naudingiausia? Have you had the opportunity to supervise any exchange students? If so, what was your experience like and what did you find most helpful / interesting?


  1. No
  2. Ne
  3. Ne
  4. ne
  5. No
  6. I have not supervised exchange students
  7. Ne
  8. No
  9. No
  10. No

Kokia buvo jūsų mėgstamiausia darbo viešbučio veiklų dalis, dirbant su mainų programos studentais? What was your favorite part of working at the hotel while working with exchange students?

  1. Meeting such nice people, also I loved working in a hotel, loved the ambience
  2. -
  3. Work time
  4. Meeting people from different cultures
  5. Nauji draugai
  6. Meeting amazing people and witness other cultures.
  7. .
  8. Vakarėlių organizavimas
  9. Talking about Belvedere, I loved the hotel and the bond between hotel staff. We from TUI were also kind of exchange students at the hotel, so we also needed to learn the procedures and how everything works etc. Getting to know people who are in a similar situation as you was the best about the experience :)
  10. The most favorite part was direct communication with customers

Jei į kurortą atvyktų dirbti kita mainų studentų grupė, ką patartumėte jiems, kad įgytų teigiamos patirties? If another group of exchange students came to work at the resort, what advice would you give them to have a positive experience?

  1. Probably to make sure their given accommodation is appropriate and speak up about it
  2. -
  3. Yes
  4. To push yourself into every opportunity
  5. Yes
  6. Just have fun but also be respectful of the rules and the job.
  7. .
  8. Mažiau stresuoti jei kažkas nepavyksta
  9. Work hard and help your colleagues. If you're feeling low/sad/anything what you need to talk about, don't be afraid to open up to somebody who is in the resort. Seasonal work is hard but rewarding, mostly because of the people you get to work with :)
  10. I would advise them not to worry and enjoy this time

Atsižvelgiant į įvairų Atlantica Belvedere darbuotojų pobūdį, kokios strategijos, jūsų nuomone, yra veiksmingiausios palengvinant sklandų tarpkultūrinį bendravimą darbo vietoje? Given the diverse nature of Atlantica Belvedere's workforce, what strategies do you think are most effective in facilitating smooth intercultural communication in the workplace?

  1. I would make sure that everyone speaks good English so there wouldn't be any problem or misunderstanding, especially to the non-Greek students
  2. -
  3. More money
  4. Support from staff was good
  5. Būti draugiškam, nebijo išbandyti sunkumų, nebijoti išeiti iš komforto zonos
  6. Just reminding the importance of the job to everyone. Work is work.
  7. i really dont know sorry
  8. Neatsargus tarpkultūrinių aspektų palyginimas, vieną kultūrą iškeliant aukščiau kitos, gali sukelti daugybę nesklandumų, pradedant nuo nepasitenkinimo ir užsidarymo, nusiskundimų. Pirmiausia turi keistis vidinis žmogaus poţžūris į kitos kultūros atstovus, žmogus turi tapti atviresnis kitiems, lengviau prisitaikanti, būti empatiškas ir tolerantiškesnis kitiems. Tuo tarpu išoriškai žmogus keičiasi tuo, jog lengviau bendrauja, suvokia savo elgesį ir jį kontroliuoja.
  9. Understand the way Greeks communicate, they might be really direct and raise their voice, but that's nothing personal, that's just the cultural way of speaking sometimes. Also really important is to ask if unsure about something. If you're not getting an answer, ask again, sometimes things just come along the way. And try to communicate with the hotel as much as possible, so you're not solving problems by yourself, but together with the hotel and its staff.
  10. To encourage employees to relax together and meet outside of work
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