"Kleopatra turas" kelionių agentūra

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Ką manote apie mūsų agentūros darbą? (galimi keli atsakymo variantai)

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Jūsų komentarai

  1. I composed a few otnpois that came to mind. I can't draw, but I can write very well. So my entry would be a written one that someone else would have to draw/make a video of 1. How Raigho and Jera joined up with Fehu and Gebo.2. How Isa's siblings died.3. The last details and moments of Othala's pack before and during their slaughter. (Personal favorite)
  2. I like the ideas of maybe how Gebo and Fehu got lost from the pack, what they were doing out there, why were they seperated lcaxtey? I also like the idea of Iki, why and how did he get there, what happened to him to have him appear in the middle of no where? What did his parents look like? I think I like those two ideas the most. They sound like they would be very interesting to see :)
  3. nezinojau, kad yra tokia agentura
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