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People lived hundred billion
years with question "who are
we". Are we alone. What is in
other galactics and smth. They
lived without knowing this and
this tells us that THAT is how
it should be. we dont need to
know our history. we don't
need to answer these questions.
We need to explore and to
We need to explore as much as
we can. Also, i am quite sure,
that in a few hundred to a
thousand years Earth will be
overcrowded and we will need a
new place to go...
Exploring the unknown is a
good step for educational
purposes of mankind.
exploring other planets is
i do not know anything about
its good,i think..
Such missions are necessary
to look for life in Mars
it's necessary to discover
our universe
i dont know that mission
I think there is no reason to
explore one planet so long time.
Sending more advanced rovers
to Mars
Boring under the surface of
establishing mc donald's there
the second step
I think it's bigger
possibility to find organic
forms in other planet because
of other atmosphere and
something things i don't know
it would be excelent!
I don't think it's possible
today, but there must have
been lifeforms a few million
years ago. Fossils are more
possible to be found.
Maybe its possible but i dont
think that its gonna happen
in out solar system.
it's possible
99,99 %
keep searching
In other galacties maybe but
not in this one
I think that NASA hides part
of information gathered by
spirit and opportunity. NASA
is full controlled by U.S.A.
government and all really
serious information is not
leaked to people.
it's better than militarism...
I have no real opinion
Good, exploration is a step
to the future.
bla bla bla mer bla
The most efficient mission of
all previous
no opinion, absolutely not
it's over
good idea, maybe to expensive