Reklamos pranesimai: poveikis vaikams

Rašau baigiamąjį darbą apie reklamos pranešimų poveikį vaikams. Dėkoju už atsakymus

Ar reklama daro poveikį Jūsų vaikui (-ams)?

Kur dažniausiai Jūsų vaikas(-ai) pastebi reklamą (galima žymeti kelis):

Kokią reklamą Jūsų vaikas(-ai) pastebi (galima žymėti kelis):

Ar Jūsų vaikas(-ai) prašo nupirkti reklamuojamo produkto?

Kokie Jūsų nuomone, vaiko apsisprendimo pirkti prekę motyvai(galima žymėti kelis):

Jūsų manymu kokia TV reklama daro didžiausią įtaką Jūsų vaiko(-ų) raidai?

Ar reikalingi TV reklamos apribojimai produkcijai skirtai vaikams?

Ar esate matę/girdėję apie Tele2 PILDYK reklamą?

. Kaip vertinate Tele2 PILDYK rodomą reklamą su herojais: Gabbana, Erika, Braške, Mobiu ir Ozzy?

Ar Jūsų vaikas(-ai) pastebi Tele2 PILDYK reklamą?

Kaip vertinate Tele2 Meškafono reklamą?

Kaip Jūsų vaikas(-ai) reaguoja i MEŠKAFONO reklamą? ( galima žymėti kelis):

Kokios prekės reklama labiausiai patinka Jūsų vaikui (-ams)?

  1. I have been married once and I don't get spasuol support because a) although we got married overseas Indiana was our place of residence and they dnt do alimony b) we were young when we married (and divorced) so he had nothing to split even if IN ok'd it & c) I cared more abt child support. I think the initial premise behind alimony is to safeguard a wife who had no career, no money (to combine with her husband's), no car, no nothing like most ole skool wives were. When they divorced, the wife was left with no marketable assets, with all the kids, and no income coming in let alone a mode of transportation while the husband moved on unconcerned. I do think this should be applied on a case-by-case basis though because Kelis is not hurting for money and, if I got that much in child support, I'd be more than happy and completely humble that my kids will be more than taken care of. Maybe she's acting out in anger.
  2. A pleasingly rational aesnwr. Good to hear from you.
  3. kinder bueno
  4. barni
  5. jogurto
  6. juokia,dar permaza
  7. spraito
  8. idomi
  9. coca-cola,tele-2...
  10. Žaislų, saldumynų

Kokia TV reklama Jums, kaip tėvams labiausiai nepriimtina? Kodėl?

  1. I have been married once and I don't get spasuol support because a) although we got married overseas Indiana was our place of residence and they dnt do alimony b) we were young when we married (and divorced) so he had nothing to split even if IN ok'd it & c) I cared more abt child support. I think the initial premise behind alimony is to safeguard a wife who had no career, no money (to combine with her husband's), no car, no nothing like most ole skool wives were. When they divorced, the wife was left with no marketable assets, with all the kids, and no income coming in let alone a mode of transportation while the husband moved on unconcerned. I do think this should be applied on a case-by-case basis though because Kelis is not hurting for money and, if I got that much in child support, I'd be more than happy and completely humble that my kids will be more than taken care of. Maybe she's acting out in anger.
  2. A pleasingly rational aesnwr. Good to hear from you.
  3. ka zn
  4. iklotu, tamponu
  5. nezinau
  6. tele2
  7. jb
  8. Perdėtai seksuali, vulgari
  9. Alkoholio
  10. traskuciu

Jūsų amžius:

Jūsų vaiko (-ų) amžius (galima žymėti kelis):

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