Physical activity during COVID 19 Outbreak

Anketa neaktyvi

What is your Gender?

What is your age?

Before the COVID-19 quarantine, did you train regularly?

Before the COVID-19 quarantine, how many days/week did you train regularly?

During the COVID-19 quarantine, how many days/week did you train regularly?

Did your physical activity habits change during quarantine?

Before the COVID-19 quarantine, how long in total did you usually spend in vigorous-intensity physical activities on a day of the week? Please indicate the total number of minutes.


    During the COVID-19 quarantine, how long in total did you usually spend in vigorous-intensity physical activities on a day of the week? Please indicate the total number of minutes.


      Before the COVID-19 quarantine, how long in total did you usually spend in moderate-intensity physical activities on a day of the week? Please indicate the total number of minutes.


        During the COVID-19 quarantine, how long in total did you usually spend in moderate-intensity physical activities on a day of the week? Please indicate the total number of minutes.


          Before the COVID-19 quarantine, how long in total did you usually spend on walking activities on a day of the week? (walking related to hobbies, going to work, for fun and etc.) Please indicate the total number of minutes.


            During the COVID-19 quarantine, how long in total did you usually spend on walking activities on a day of the week? (walking related to hobbies, going to work, for fun and etc.) Please indicate the total number of minutes.


              Before the COVID-19 quarantine, how long in total did you spend in sitting activities on a day of the last week? (sitting related to working from home and free time like watching tv, reading and etc.) Please indicate the total number of minutes.


                During the COVID-19 quarantine, how long in total did you spend in sitting activities on a day of the last week? (sitting related to working from home and free time like watching tv, reading and etc.) Please indicate the total number of minutes.

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