
Anketa apie kieciausia pasaulio grupe!!!

Tavo nick'as

  1. QbimlzvmziS
  2. Psych0wn3r
  3. o kam?
  4. tundra
  5. Pauliuxaz
  6. dark angel
  7. punky_child
  8. Femix
  9. nesakysiu:PPPPPP
  10. inorkins

Koks tavo amzius?

  1. hWAgmSQpQQTkkxzN
  2. 17
  3. 999
  4. 15
  5. 18
  6. 15
  7. 14
  8. 16
  9. 14
  10. 19

Tavo lytis

Ar patinka si grupe?

Kuris grupes narys tau labiausiai patinka?

Kada pradejote klausytis LP?

  1. eNqNMcfHRgoosxJrIK
  2. 2007
  3. pries metus
  4. seniai ;DDD
  5. kai isgirdau daina numb
  6. seniai
  7. seniai
  8. pries pora metu
  9. gal pries sesis metus.....
  10. senai

Kokia daina isgirde susidomejote LP?

  1. ltHFuOgd
  2. A Place For My Head
  3. in the end
  4. numb ;*
  5. numb
  6. in the end
  7. numb
  8. in the end
  9. wisom
  10. in the end ir numb

Kokia jusu megstamiausia LP daina?

Jei kita tai kokia?

  1. NniBfsaNeDKXZU
  2. from the inside ;*
  3. Wisos
  4. wisos
  5. numb
  6. "Don't Stay" ir "Nobody's Listening"
  7. numb
  8. It starts thing,i don't know why,it doesn't even matter,how hard u try.......
  9. Man daba Numb/Encore su Jay-z :)
  10. nznau net pavadinimo

Megstamiausias grupes klipas

Jei kitas tai koks?

  1. BcVemNXO
  2. Given Up
  3. from the inside ;*
  4. wisi
  5. wisi
  6. high voltage
  7. somwhere i belong
  8. HeHeHe...:D
  9. irgi Numb/Encore :)
  10. nemates jokio klipo

Geriausias grupes albumas


  1. Oh my goodness! I've mesisd out on so much and totally did not know you are in Europe! This is so awesome and yes, please post more pictures as often as you can. I love these and love what you guys are stirring up in the kitchen. Looks yummy! Makes me very hungry looking at this. But I'm so envious that you're in Europe! I hope to one day have that opportunity! Well you enjoy your trip. Have fun and keep us posted!
  2. Tiesiog
  3. todel
  4. siaip ir reanimation.. beveik visos dainos ispudingos
  5. kodel wisi? nes kiekwienas albumas yra sawitas ir kakuo ipatingas. jie wisi nuostabus ir nepakartojami
  6. Cool grup4
  7. nes lp WALDO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!1
  8. daug geru dainu
  9. nzn...
  10. nes meteora zjb

Ar esate mate bent viena koncerta?

Jei esate tai kur ir koki?

  1. Oh my goodness! I've mesisd out on so much and totally did not know you are in Europe! This is so awesome and yes, please post more pictures as often as you can. I love these and love what you guys are stirring up in the kitchen. Looks yummy! Makes me very hungry looking at this. But I'm so envious that you're in Europe! I hope to one day have that opportunity! Well you enjoy your trip. Have fun and keep us posted!
  2. Rock am ring 2004
  3. per tw
  4. per kompa taip.. koncertas vyko teksase
  5. parsisiunciau kiek buvo
  6. live in Texas
  7. WISUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  8. Buvau visuose kai koncertavo lietuvoj
  9. tajp norechiau...=/
  10. Deja ne :\

Ar turite daug LP gabalu?

Ar ilgai per diena klausotes LP?

  1. HqwkSMXxuyz
  2. Kiaura para
  3. lb daznai ;D
  4. ivairiai
  5. 25h
  6. visa diena
  7. wisa para beweyk:D
  8. ne daug klausau papa roach
  9. 24 val.
  10. visa diena

Ar nori kad LP atvaziuotu i Lietuva?

Kokios dar grupes tau patinka?

  1. Oh my goodness! I've mesisd out on so much and totally did not know you are in Europe! This is so awesome and yes, please post more pictures as often as you can. I love these and love what you guys are stirring up in the kitchen. Looks yummy! Makes me very hungry looking at this. But I'm so envious that you're in Europe! I hope to one day have that opportunity! Well you enjoy your trip. Have fun and keep us posted!
  2. :D
  3. th
  4. tokio hotel ;***
  5. tyngiu vardint
  6. the rasmus
  7. buwau susizawejus gal kokiay sawaytei Guano apes, po to simple plan
  8. Papa roach, LP, LB, Slipknot ...
  9. linkin 4ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. bsb dar keleta megstu... bet daugiausia pavieniu dainu su skirtingais atlikejais

Ar jums patiko si anketa? Kodel?

  1. Oh my goodness! I've mesisd out on so much and totally did not know you are in Europe! This is so awesome and yes, please post more pictures as often as you can. I love these and love what you guys are stirring up in the kitchen. Looks yummy! Makes me very hungry looking at this. But I'm so envious that you're in Europe! I hope to one day have that opportunity! Well you enjoy your trip. Have fun and keep us posted!
  2. :D
  3. normali
  4. wisaj nieko... idomu atsakinet... ;]~
  5. taip, nes si anketa apie mano megstamiausia grupe
  6. nu faina ir tiek
  7. ..... no comments......
  8. Uzpildyk mano anketa apie PAPA ROACH. Cool anketa
  9. !!!si anketa pati kieciausia unreal LP WALDO!
  10. taip nes ishsami ir apie mano megstama grupe :D
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