Formal and informal communication in a workplace

1.Do you use more formal or informal communication at your workplace?

2.Which type of communication is easier and more comfortable for you? Formal or informal?

3.Why did you choose this answer to question 2?

  1. İts easier to speak
  2. I believe that sincerity makes human communication easier.
  3. Beacuse more comfortable😁
  4. Because its more sincere
  5. Because it is more important not to make mistakes in formal communication
  6. It's better quality
  7. Because it gives me a safe space.
  8. Daha hızlı bir iletişim şekli
  9. It is easy to use daily speak style in workplace.

4.Do you feel any limitations when communicating formally (both in letters and in person)? (time constraints, delay in decision making, misunderstandings)

5. If you answered yes to 4, what constraints do you experience?

I experience

  1. İts an way of wasting time in communication
  2. Harder to communicate formally
  3. Zaman alıcı bir iletişim şekli

6. Do you find it easy to adapt the rules of formal communication?

7. If you answered no to question 6, what are the difficulties?

The difficulties are

  1. İ cant memorize them rn but its like that usually

8. Formal communication can be divided into internal (communication with colleagues, managers) and external (communication with audiences, customers, etc.) Which of the following types is more often used in your company?

9. How is it easier to communicate formally?

10. Does the company have requirements for formal communication with each other and with clients (application formats, information available on social media, etc.)

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