Customers' perceived risk on intention to buy shopping goods on the Internet

Hello. My name is Indre, I am a student from International Business School of Vilnius University, Lithuania. At this time I‘m conducting a research of clients‘ perceived risks on buying shopping products (dining room furnitures (tables, chairs) and household appliances (oven, fridge...)) on the internet (Lithuania and England). Please spare me a little bit of time to answering to this questionnaire for marking one of the best answers that fits you. For each question you need to answer all statements. The collected data will be used for my master‘s degree research paper.

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1. Please evaluate your agreement with the following statements about the risks associated with the technologies in intention to buy shopping goods on the internet:

Totally disagreeDisagreeNeither agree nor disagreeAgreeTotally agree
I do not know how to buy on the internet
Before buying I am afraid that there will be no instructions how to buy
I am afraid that the purchasing process will be described in terms incomprehensible to me
I am afraid if i buy online the electronic shop will crash

2. Please evaluate your agreement with the following statements about the risks associated with the time in intention to buy shopping goods on the internet

Totally disagreeDisagreeNeither agree nor disagreeAgreeTotally agree
I'm afraid that if I make a mistake in the time of purchase, it takes a long time to rectified it
I will save the time buying online because I can easier compare the market prices
I will take a long time in figuring out how to buy a product
I do not like to wait until the product actually will come to me

3. Please evaluate your agreement with the following statements about the risks associated with the financial safety in intention to buy shopping goods on the internet:

Totally disagreeDisagreeNeither agree nor disagreeAgreeTotally agree
I am afraid that online shop will take more money from my account than it should
I am afraid to enter wrong numbers of my credit card
I am afraid that bank details which i entered will be stolen by using illegal actions (theft)

4. Please evaluate your agreement with the following statements about the risks associated with the goods delivering in intention to buy shopping goods on the internet:

Totally disagreeDisagreeNeither agree nor disagreeAgreeTotally agree
I am worried that the goods will be delivered later than expected
I am worried that the goods will be damaged in the time of delivering
I am worried than i will be charged extra after the delivering
I am worried that if I buy on the internet, goods would not be delivered to my address

5. Please evaluate your agreement with the following statements about the risks associated with the information in intention to buy shopping goods on the internet:

Totally disagreeDisagreeNeither agree nor disagreeAgreeTotally agree
I do not buy on the internet if there are no dimensions of goods
I do not buy on the internet if there are no describtion of functionality of goods
I do not buy on the internet if i see bad quality pictures
Due to the lack of information about the buying process I pull off the online purchase
I often think that the online seller is an impostor

6. Please evaluate your agreement with the following statements about the risks associated with the privacy in intention to buy shopping goods on the internet:

Totally disagreeDisagreeNeither agree nor disagreeAgreeTotally agree
I'm concerned that my personal data may be used for marketing purposes without my permission
I'm concerned that my personal data may be publicized
I'm worried that an online seller would follow my browsing history
I will feel the loss of privacy if I reveal my personal data

7. Please evaluate your agreement with the following statements about the social risks in intention to buy shopping goods on the internet:

Totally disagreeDisagreeNeither agree nor disagreeAgreeTotally agree
If I buy a product online, my image will be weake in front of friends
My friends will treat me as a fool if I buy such type of product in the internet, not in bricks stores
I'm worried that my online purchases would recieve negative comments from my family
Often look at other users' opinions and comments before purchasing a product

8. Please evaluate your agreement with the following statements about the risks associated with the psychology in intention to buy shopping goods on the internet:

Totally disagreeDisagreeNeither agree nor disagreeAgreeTotally agree
I do not buy products online because it is psychologically unacceptable to me, compared to the physical stores
I do not buy goods online because I need to touch it before buying
I do not buy goods online because I need to try it before buying
I do not buy goods online because I need to see it in real, before buying

9. Please evaluate your agreement about the utility of internet, as a sales chanel, buying on the internet:

Totally disagreeDisagreeNeither agree nor disagreeAgreeTotally agree
Online shopping process is very fast
It is easier to buy online than in the bricks stores
When i buy online I feel more productive than buying off-line

10. Please evaluate your agreement with the following statements about the functional risks in intention to buy dining room furnitures on the internet:

Totally disagreeDisagreeNeither agree nor disagreeAgreeTotally agree
I am afraid that if I buy furniture online, they do not match functionality than it was written on webpage
I am concerned that if I buy furniture online, their quality be lower than it was written on webpage
I am concerned that if I buy dining furnitures on the internet I do not get a warranty

11. Please evaluate your agreement with the following statements about the functional risks in intention to buy household appliances on the internet:

Totally disagreeDisagreeNeither agree nor disagreeAgreeTotally agree
I am afraid that if I buy household appliances online, they do not match functionality than it was written on webpage
I am concerned that if I buy household appliances online, their quality be lower than it was written on webpage
I am concerned that if I buy household appliances on the internet I do not get a warranty

12. Please evaluate your agreement with the following statements about the physical risks in intention to buy dining room furnitures on the internet:

Totally disagreeDisagreeNeither agree nor disagreeAgreeTotally agree
I am concerned that the overall appearance of the furniture would not be such as shown in the pictures on the webpage
I am concerned that the furniture component materials are harmful to my health
I am afraid that if I buy dining furnitures online, the colour do not match that which was written on the webpage

13. Please evaluate your agreement with the following statements about the physical risks in intention to buy household appliances on the internet:

Totally disagreeDisagreeNeither agree nor disagreeAgreeTotally agree
I am concerned that the overall appearance of the household appliances would not be such as shown in the pictures on the webpage
I am concerned that the home appliances component materials are hazardous to my health
I am afraid that if I buy household appliances online, the colour do not match that which was written on the webpage

14. Please evaluate your intention to buy dining room furniture online:

Totally disagreeDisagreeNeither agree nor disagreeAgreeTotally agree
I really would buy online those furnitures which are recommended by my family
I intend to buy online the recommended dining furniture
Over the next 12 months I am going to buy a dining room furniture online
Over the next 12 months I really buy dining room furniture online

15. Please evaluate your intention to buy household appliances online:

Totally disagreeDisagreeNeither agree nor disagreeAgreeTotally agree
I really would buy online household appliances which are recommended by my family
I intend to buy online the recommended household appliances
Over the next 12 months I am going to buy household appliances online
Over the next 12 months I really buy household appliances online

16. Please evaluate your confidence of online shops in intention to buy shopping goods online:

Totally disagreeDisagreeNeither agree nor disagreeAgreeTotally agree
I think that there are reliable information in online shops
I trust in online shops
I think that online shops have everything to meet my expectations
I think that all the money transfers made online in purchasing goods are safe
Trust of online shops depends on the first impression of the website

17. Your country of nationality

18. How would you rate your income obtained during the month, compared to the national average income of the population?

19. Your age:

20. How much do you spent for shopping online in the last 12 months?

21. Your gender: