ar jums patinka Aerosmith?

tiesiog idomu ar jums patinka Aerosmith

Ar zinote grupe Aerosmith?

Ar esate girdeje shios grupes dainu?

Ar megstate shia grupe?

Kokios Aerosmith dainos labiausiai patinka?

  1. cryin, crazy, jaded, amazing, a don't want to miss a thing, pink...
  2. crazycrazy
  3. Dream On
  4. Make it, Movin Out, Sweet emotion, Rats in the cellar, Bone to Bone, Get A Grip, Eat the Rich
  5. visos NUOSTABIOS
  6. crazy, cryin', walk this way, dream on, amazing, fly away from here, i don't want to miss a thing
  7. Dream on
  8. I Don`t Wanna Miss A Thing ;P
  9. nepamenu
  10. walk this way

Ar noretumet, kad Aerosmith atvyktu i Lietuva?

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