A questionnaire about chatbots.

A chatbot is a computer program designed to simulate conversation with human users, especially over the Internet. It is an assistant that communicates with us through text messages, a virtual companion that integrates into websites, applications or instant messengers and helps entrepreneurs to get closer to customers. Such a bot is an automated system of communication with users. You can even use chatbots to learn skills or languauges (e. g. App „Duolingo“, „Andy“, „Mondly“).

Anketos rezultatai yra viešai prieinami

How old are you?

Have you ever heard about language learning apps like „Duolingo“ or „Andy“?

Do you think apps like these are beneficial in language learning? (Yes/no)

What would be your preferred way to learn a foreign language?

What do you think, what is the biggest advantage when learning with a chat-bot?

Stephen Hawking said AI could be “either the best, or the worst thing, ever to happen to humanity“. Do you think that AI could become harmful for people that seek to gain social skills?

What could be the future of chat-bots?