What Role does Religion Play in Your Life?

Please take a few minutes and fill out this questionnaire. My purpose is to determine what role religion plays in Lithuanians' lives.
Anketos rezultatai yra viešai prieinami

Indicate your gender

Indicate your age

What is your confession?

Do you consider yourself a practicing believer?

How often do you pray?

How often do you go to church (synagogue)?

Do you adhere to the rules of your confession?

Do you fast for religious reasons?

Please explain why

9. Have you got any religious instructions?

If yes, what? (you may indicate more than one answer here)

Have you read the Bible?

Have you been interested in other religions (different from yours)?

Do you know any religious communities in Lithuania?

Do you/would you raise your children as religious people?

How would you react if your children chose another religion, different from yours?

How would you react if your son/daughter decided to become a priest/nun?

How tolerant you are of other religions?

What is your opinion of religious sects?

Why do you/don’t you believe?