What Role does Religion Play in Your Life?

Why do you/don’t you believe?

  1. don't ask just logic
  2. Because it gives me a hope.
  3. Because to me it seems absurd.
  4. it's easier to live. sometimes it does not matter, which religion to choose, whether to practice it or not, but believing is important.
  5. I believe in God, but I don't belong to a particular religion
  6. because it is good to believe in something that makes you feel better if your're not ok...
  7. We all must believe in something. It does not matter in what, but the belief that there is something greater than a human must exist. Otrherwise what is the point of everything?
  8. Everyone needs to believe in some great power which rules everything
  9. I believe in my own God, who has nothing to do with dogmas of the Catholic Church. I know that sth higher, more spiritual really exists, but don't wanna treat this in the way catholics do.
  10. I was taught to believe, and I am glad, because there are thousands of reasons to believe, if you want know them you should start from going to religious classes, and going to church, everything is explained there
  11. I believe that there is something, but I do not feel the need to be an active member of any religious confession.
  12. I need to.
  13. aš tikiu, bet man nepatinka, kad viskas tose religijose aiškinama, ribojama, mokoma nesąmonių.
  14. I was raised to believe. It sometimes gives hope when I have none - to believe in something powerful beyond understanding.
  15. Sometimes it simply helps to survive. ;)
  16. I think that if a person believes, this belief helps him to overcome many obstacles in his life.
  17. zmogus, atsidaves religijai atsizada savo artimuju, savo siekiu, praranda savo individualybe, susitapatina su sektos nariais.
  18. I believe in God, don't believe in religions, however, I like our way of life and I thin it is strictly related to cristianism and we should protect it, within reason.
  19. I disapprove of some rules and ideas that religions represent and that makes it hard for me to believe..