What Role does Religion Play in Your Life?

Please explain why

  1. don't want to
  2. Because it is a tradition in our family
  3. I do not have a religion yet
  4. somehow none does it in my family, and i was grwon up like that. i don't think it's very important
  5. because I don't believe in a certain religion
  6. only a day before Christmas and Easter, because of my personal belief
  7. because its a tradition
  8. I see no point in doing this
  9. I feel like I need to
  10. I have no religion.
  11. I don't believe that fasting contributes to my religious beliefs and improves my moral state before such religious festivals as Christmas or Easter.
  12. because I am not a very religious person myself.
  13. I don't suppose I have a will power strong enough to do it on my own. And since no one in my family does it, I see no reason to do it myself.
  14. I do not fast because there is no such tradition in our family.
  15. nes nesuprantu, kam tai.
  16. Because that's a tradition in the family.
  17. What is the point? I do not think it is necessary to waste your body in order to show your devotion to God.
  18. I do not know why people have to fast. that is why I do not fast.
  19. tai jau yra tapusi kazkokia tradicija, kaip ir pacios sventes.
  20. I don't believe in church.
  21. I do not think it's important.