The image of If as an employer among students

Hello, thank you for agreeing to participate in our survey. We are students of ISM university of business management and economics. We are conducting a research about future job selection of Lithuanian students. We guarantee anonimity for every participant. Thank you!

Anketos rezultatai yra viešai prieinami

1. How old are you ?

2. What is your gender ?

3. In which city do you live ?

4. If you are student, in which higher education institution you are studying ?

4.1 At what level of higher education institution you are in ?

4.2 What is your field of study?

5. What is your monthly income ?

6. What is your experience with insurance companies ?

6.1 Which insurance companies do you trust the most ?

I do not trust them at all
I do not trust them
I do not have opinion on that
I trust them
I trust them fully
Lietuvos draudimas
Swedbank draudimas

6.2 Do you think that earlier experience with companies may influence your future job decision ?

7. How do you evaluate these factors(by importance) choosing your future job ?

Not important at all
Not important
Do not have opinion
Very important
7.1. Salary
7.2. Work environment
7.3. Flexible working hour
7.4. Career oportunities
7.5. Job benefits
7.6. Company's social responsibility (it is additional, optional activity of the company for the goodness of the society)
7.7. Reputation of the company

7.8 Would you agree to work for a lower salary in a social responsible company ?

8. What would frighten you away from a particular company? (Few possible choises)

9. Where do you search for a job the most? (Few possible choises)

10. Would you like to work in ''If'' insurance company ?

10.1 How much money you would expect to get, If you would be working in ''IF'' company for a full time job ?

10.2 How do you think, which professionals are needed in ''If'' company ?

10.3 What thoughts or associations you have about ''If'' insurance companie ?

11. If there is anything you would want to add or comment about things common with or influencing your future job selection ?