The attitude of consumers/tourists towards the sustainable development of the tourism sector in the regions

Dear respondent,

We invite you to participate in the survey. The purpose of the research is to find out the attitude of consumers/tourists towards sustainable development in the tourism sector in the regions. Your opinion is very important for the research, so please answer the questionnaire questions by choosing the answer that suits you or by writing your own option. The questionnaire is anonymous and the responses will only be used for generalization.Thanks in advance for your time!

Anketos rezultatai yra prieinami tik anketos autoriui

1. Do you understand the term "sustainable development"? ✪

2. Write how you understand the term "sustainable development": ✪

3. Mark which concepts, in your opinion, are covered by sustainable development: ✪

4. What factors do you consider the most important for the sustainable development of the tourism sector? (mark the 5 most important factors in your opinion: ✪

5. In your opinion, what are the most common problems of sustainable tourism development? (choose the three biggest problems): ✪

6. In your opinion, which of the following activities is the most important for the sustainable development of tourism (name the three most important activities)? ✪

7. Do you know/are you interested in sustainability, saving/responsible consumption? ✪

8. Are you a responsible user? ✪

9. Do you try to consume responsibly while traveling? ✪

10. How much money do you spend on travel on average per year? ✪

11. What age group do you belong to? ✪

12. Your gender: ✪

13. Place of residence: ✪

14. You live: ✪

15. What is your education? ✪

16. Your occupation: ✪