Scouse dialect

Do you feel any negative attitude towards you speaking Scouse? If yes, please give some examples

  1. manchester people are jealous of the way we speak just look at oases trying to sound licke john lennon
  2. Sometimes as people look down on you as common and less intellectual which is completely untrue
  3. sometimes the dialect can make you sound a bit"common" but never negative
  4. Yes, they think all scousers are lying, thieving louts who are all on benefits.
  5. It is my belief that there are two types of scouse accent - the old fashioned scouse, common amongst people 60 or older) which is a derivative of the mix of the Lancashire burr and the Irish immigrants accents (the syntax of certain communities is almost identical to a Dublin suburban syntax - although the accents are different), which is quite soft and pleasant and there is the new modern more abrasive accent which seems to have been learned from Brookside and other TV shows, this has seemingly evolved specifically to sound aggressive. The second kind of accent is more difficult to understand and in many senses is designed to attract a negative reaction and frequently does.
  6. hasn't happened to me but i know of others where it has
  7. Yes, for example when traveling to different countries some people, will make it obvious that they are not a fan of the livepool accent (scouse)
  8. Nope
  9. No
  10. no