Research of Lithuanian Image

B13.Have you ever seen (inTV, newspaper, magazines) any Lithuanian views or places (where and when)?

  1. US President Bush visit to Lithuania several months ago.
  2. no
  3. Yes on Maltese tv - documentary about the new EU Member States
  4. Ignalina
  5. publicity when it joined the eu
  6. there are so many other places which have higher priority
  7. no
  8. ı have not seen
  9. no
  10. No
  11. No
  12. History Channel, Travel Channel, and Public Television Channel and several magazine articles.
  13. Vilnius - in a TV show about UNESCO - World Heritage Site
  14. Very little but in magazines in the UK
  15. On occasion
  16. I have read about Vilnius and it's development since the collapse of the ussr. I read mainly tourism and travel publications
  17. I haven't seen any pictures with Lithuania wither on television or in magazines
  18. no
  19. No
  20. When the European Song Contest is shown on tv I've seen different places from Lithuania
  21. rarely, occasionally Lithuanina basketball will be a side note in a magazine.
  22. Various articles in Newspapers--TV.. Don't remember the dates.
  23. I don't remember
  24. None that I can distinguish exactly. I heard about it often enoughm, especially in the news concerning the Baltic republics and the European Union
  25. not that I remember
  26. No
  27. No
  28. No
  29. On TV, in magazines, so many times, we're neighbours after all
  30. Yes, on TV when Spain (football) played last year in Vilnius. I also saw photos in a report in El País.
  31. No
  32. Never
  33. Something about the ignalina plant being a safety hazard for europe, in tv.
  34. yes I am sure, I have, but I do not remember which
  35. No
  36. no
  37. seldom in Tv
  38. about 1 year ago, some political news about EU, and some events on sports
  39. a year ago on tv
  40. can´t remember, maybe just demonstrations
  41. Travel pages on the internet.
  42. No
  43. Yes i know is sounds bad but lithuania reminds me of war torn eastern europe. It may be different and beautiful but that is the image i get when i think of lithuania
  44. No
  45. No
  46. no as I remember
  47. in the past about Vilnius
  48. after 1991 sever seen on tv. also on the internet there is not much
  49. no
  50. books, incyclopedia, news a.s.o.
  51. Sorry, here in Mexico is difficult to read about Lithuanian.
  52. mostly in the news
  53. Yes, in travel magazines, especially as a consequence to the European Union issue
  54. no
  55. no
  56. NO
  57. I dont think so (unfortunatley)
  58. Occasionally see articles, but don't remember exactly where... not often.
  59. just in internet
  60. no
  61. never
  62. Not, unfortunately
  63. no
  64. No
  65. Yes, in advertisement in TV, it was spot to visit Lithuanua
  66. Yes, a CD about lithuania I got from a friend, and pictures of friends there
  67. no
  68. TV programs on German Televison
  69. --
  70. no
  71. No
  72. No.
  73. bbc
  74. Not that I can remember
  75. Yes, in Norwegian newspapers, in articles about travel in the Baltics.
  76. On TV; they were explaining that Lithuania became a member of the European Union.
  77. Yes, in travel webpages in the Internet
  78. yes
  79. i cant remember
  80. No
  81. no
  82. yes, from a friend´s camera.
  84. No.
  85. on TV
  86. programmes on polish tv, in lithuanian magaines as i used to live with lithuanians.
  87. NO
  88. No
  89. Some articles about Lithuania resorts in Latvian newspapers. Very often
  90. No
  91. Seen a couple of instances, dont remember where.
  92. Seen. Don't remember when and where.
  93. No.
  94. News,different travel broschures...
  95. No
  96. Sports -- basketball Medicine, BBC History, USSR on BBC
  97. in the internet especialy when there were elections or sth like this.
  98. I watched in Polish TV some reportages about Lithuania and in polish magazines, in woman press especially there are numerous presentations of Lithuania
  99. no
  100. Yes on tv