Research of Lithuanian Image

B 9. What famous places do you know in Lithuania?

  1. Vilnius old town and church where freedom began. Klaipeda sea port area. Hill of crosses. I bought a house in Detuva.
  2. Vilnius and Kaunas... the football stadiums in each! In Vilnius the genodice museum, the Frank Zappa statue, the PUB...
  3. the hill of crosses
  4. None - I want to visit as many EU countries as possible - I watched a documentary on Maltese TV about the new EU Member States and I loved the Baltic states, so I decided to visit!!!
  5. Kernave, Hill of Crosses, Moletai lakes, Desert of Neringa, Aniksai...
  6. Vilnius, kleipeda
  7. Vilnus, nida
  8. None
  9. Vilnius
  10. The hill in Vilnius, the cathedral, the Jewish museum, the KGB museum, the castle outside Vilnius
  11. Vilnius, Palanga, Neringa
  12. None; wasn't Lithuania a part of the Soviet Union at one time?
  13. Vilnius, Klaipeda, Kaunas
  14. I don't know any famous place. I have just heard about a chain of lakes.
  15. Vilnius
  16. none
  17. the cemetery with crosses on crosses
  18. Hill of Crosses--Trakai-- Rumsiskis--9th fort--Palanga-- Nida--Vilnius "Old Town"--
  19. Vilnius
  20. none
  21. Vilnius
  22. None
  23. Vilnius
  24. Dawn Gate
  25. Vilnius, Kaunas
  26. None
  27. ?
  28. None
  29. Vilnius, Kaunus, Ignalina, Klaipeda
  30. none
  31. Šiauliai (hill of crucifixs), Vilnius
  32. Vilnius, Kowno
  33. Can't remember any names. It was long ago when I came to LT.
  34. no places
  35. -
  36. Have heard a little about Vilnius
  37. Vilnius
  38. None
  39. None
  40. none
  41. Vilnius
  42. vilnius, kaunas
  43. Vilnius
  45. none
  46. Vilnius, Kaunas
  47. none
  48. Vilnius
  49. I DON'T KNOW
  50. vilnius, kaunas, also heard a little about Panenaii, Siauliai
  51. Kursiu Nerija, Siaulai, Trakai, Vilnius Old Town
  52. i dont know
  53. none
  54. Vilnius
  55. none
  56. Vilnius
  57. Kaunus, Vilnius.
  58. Vilnus, Kaunas
  59. Vilnius
  60. Vilnius
  61. The town of Vilnius
  62. vilneus
  63. None
  64. None
  65. none
  66. Nil
  67. Vilnius and the Hill of Crosses.
  68. Trakai's castle, Nida, Vilnus.
  69. Its capital city is Vilnius
  70. Vilnius , Kaunas
  71. None
  72. Nowhere
  73. Kaunas (because of the basketball team ;-) Vilnius? sorry, I´m not sure about your capital. Yes, it is! Small and nice city (heard from a friend)
  74. Vilnius
  75. ????????
  76. Dont know.
  77. Ostra Brama
  78. Vilna
  79. Trakai tower Amber Museum (in Palanga) Hill of crosses etc.
  80. Vilnius old city, Kaunas old city,Saulai, Panevizy, Taurage,Klaipeda,Palanga, Trakay
  81. Dont know much. Just know the capital Vilnius.
  82. None.
  83. Palanga,Klaipeda,Nida,Vilnius ,Kaunas,Panevežis
  84. Vilnius
  85. Druskinike, Gruto Parkas Nida, Palanga, Vilnius, Trakai
  86. wilno, kowno,
  87. Vilnus,Klaipeda, a Hill of Croses
  88. I remember the famous painting of Saint Mary. The other thing that comes to my mind i Kłajpeda (I have no idea how to write it in English)
  89. Hill of witches Hill of crosses Trakai Vilnius TV tower Cormorans protected areas
  90. no idea
  91. Kb Kaunas:)
  92. Vilnius
  93. the mountain with the crosses
  94. Matka Boska Ostrobramska - in Vilnius The house of Adam Mickiewicz
  95. does Lithuania have famous places?
  96. none
  97. i don't know anything about lithuania.
  98. Vilnius
  99. Vilnius
  100. None