Project about shops

We are doing a project so we need your help
Anketos rezultatai yra viešai prieinami


Are you Danish?



Place of residence (just postal code)

How many people are in your household?

When do you mainly do your shopping in supermarket?

How many times per week do you do your shopping in supermarkets?

Which kind of supermarket do you use the most?

What are the most important features for your choice of supermarket? (Max 3)

Do you make a shopping list?

Do you ever need to go shopping outside normal opening hours?

If you , in what kind of circumstances do you need to do your shopping outside normal opening hours?

How often do you need to do your shopping outside normal opening hours?

What kind of groceries would you buy from automatic food shop?

Do you have any shops opened all day and night in your town?

If yes, what kind of shop?

How would you like to pay in automatic food shop?