Platform workers_improving working conditions

Dear Platform workers,

the team of researchers from Vilnius university are doing a scientific research about the conditions of platform workers. It would be a great pleasure if you agree to answer to questionnaire.

Thank you in advance,

Rita Remeikiene

Anketos rezultatai yra viešai prieinami

1. Which of the following definitions do you think best explains what digital work platforms are? (mark one or more answers that best reflect your point of view)

2. What sorts of work do you do on digital platforms? (mark one or more answers that apply to you)

3. Your gender (mark one answer which applies to you)

4. Your age (mark one answer which applies to you)

5. Your education (mark one answer which applies to you)

6. Your social status (mark one or more answers that apply to you)

7. How much income do you earn per month through digital platforms? (mark one answer which applies to you)

8. Where do you do most of your work through digital platforms? (mark one answer which applies to you)

9. What is your nationality? (mark one answer which applies to you)

10. Which of the motives listed in the table below are important to you for working through digital platforms? (rank each statement at the 5-point ranking scale: 1-absolutely not important, 2-not important, 3-neither important nor unimportant, 4-important, 5-absolutely important)

1-absolutely not important
2-not important
3-neither important nor unimportant
5-absolutely important
Digital platform work is my major source of income
Digital platform work is my additional source of income
Digital platform work helps reduce the costs of commuting, lunch at work, renting an apartment near the workplace, etc.
I do digital platform work informally to receive state benefits (e.g. unemployment benefit) at the same time
I cannot find a job in the traditional labour market
I have health problems that make it difficult to find another kind of job
Digital platform work allows me to balance work time with caring for a family member (e.g. children, elderly parents, disabled family members)
Flexibility - I can freely choose the time, duration, place, means of work
Autonomy - I can manage my own work activities, career process and progress
I like working not in the traditional office environment
Greater work efficiency - I can use working time more efficiently, have fewer ineffective breaks
Anonymity – digital platform work ensures greater security for me, as I do not disclose my full personal data when registering on the platform (clients only see my registration number, country, rating in the system)
Competence - when doing digital platform work, I feel professional, skilled, the tasks are interesting
I communicate with clients; I feel useful to society
Prevention of discrimination – digital platform work helps to prevent discrimination based on my nationality, gender, age, etc. because I can hide behind the veil of anonymity

11. Which of the factors listed in the table below, in your opinion, determine the exploitation of workers on digital platforms? (rank each statement at the 5-point ranking scale: 1- I absolutely do not agree, 2 - I do not agree, 3- I neither agree nor disagree, 4 – I agree, 5 – I absolutely agree)

1 - I absolutely do not agree
2 - I do not agree
3- I neither agree nor disagree
4 – I agree
5 – I absolutely agree
When working on digital platforms, I do not have social security, I cannot receive social benefits (sickness, maternity, unemployment benefits, etc.)
I mostly informally work on digital platforms
I am not guaranteed minimum wage
When working on digital platforms, I am not entitled to paid rest, vacation time
Lack of flexibility – I need to constantly monitor the Internet or mobile apps because tasks come irregularly
Lack of autonomy - I cannot significantly influence the nature and variety of tasks, cannot freely select work methods
Irregular working hours, uneven workload, I spend a lot of unpaid time looking for tasks
There is no communication among workers, clients and platform organisers, the activities of workers are practically left to self-management
Limited opportunities for skills and career development - repetitive tasks, only minimal training
There is no boundary between work and personal environment, technology invades personal life
Poor working conditions and income instability reduce motivation and job satisfaction

12. Which of the factors listed in the table below, in your opinion, increase the opportunities for workers on digital platforms? (rank each statement at the 5-point ranking scale: 1- I absolutely do not agree, 2 - I do not agree, 3- I neither agree nor disagree, 4 – I agree, 5 – I absolutely agree)

1- I absolutely do not agree
2 - I do not agree
3- I neither agree nor disagree
4 – I agree
5 – I absolutely agree
Social security is sufficient, I am entitled to social benefits
Technologies increase the transparency of activities, everything is formal
My income from work on digital platforms is quite high
I have a lot of flexibility in selecting tasks, work schedule, intensity, work methods
I have a lot of freedom of action, I can manage my career
My work week is shorter than the usual 40-hour work week; I have more time for family obligations and leisure time
I am not subordinate to the managers of traditional companies; I can build a reputation for myself
By working on digital platforms, I learn languages (e.g. English), master technologies, acquire other knowledge
I experience less emotional stress; I feel a work-life balance
I feel satisfied with work, variety of tasks, flexibility, comfort when working from home

13. Have you concluded an employment contract or signed any other document for digital platform work? (mark one answer which applies to you)

14. What major problems, which are related to the terms of the contract for digital platform work, do you notice? (mark one or more answers that apply to you)

15. Which of the factors listed in the table below, in your opinion, hinder the sustainable development in the European Union? (rank each statement at the 5-point ranking scale: 1- I absolutely do not agree, 2 - I do not agree, 3- I neither agree nor disagree, 4 – I agree, 5 – I absolutely agree)

1- I absolutely do not agree
2 - I do not agree
3- I neither agree nor disagree
4 – I agree
5 – I absolutely agree
Digital platforms cannot replace the traditional job market
Real employment relationships are distorted
Intense competition reduces my power as a worker to set wages
Exploitation of workers, unfair distribution of profits
Automatic algorithms put too much control over workers
Inadequate social security schemes for workers
Exploitative working conditions
Flexibility and autonomy actually mean uncertainty and insecure working conditions
Irregular and long working hours lead to overtime and pose health risks to workers
Intense competition increases the psychological and social vulnerability of workers
Wage instability leads to financial insecurity of workers
Anonymity when working on digital platforms does not protect against discrimination
Lower prices for goods and services promote excessive consumption
Telephones and computers consume a large amount of electricity
Electronic devices last a relatively short time
Internet traffic and servers require a lot of energy

16. Which of the measures listed below, in your opinion, would be most useful in improving working conditions on digital platforms? (mark one or more answers that apply to you)