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Which objects are related to nanotechnology?

Are you interested in nanotechnology?

Which year is defined as the beginning of “nanotechnology”?

Which of these fields use nanotechnology?

Which tool (which is based on nanotechnology) has the best scanning resolution?

Which nanotechnology scale level is used for making computer processors (this year)?

Do you agree with use of nanotechnologies in medicine?

What is nano-mechanosynthesis?

What are atom dimensions?

What is one of most exciting topics of recent research in nanotechnology?

Is it possible build nano scale motors?

Is it possible to produce diamonds using nano-mechonosythesis?

What is/are the advantage(s) of nanotechnology based computer hard drives?

Is it possible to move nano scale objects with atom precision?

What are main disadvantages of nanotechnology?

Is it possible to make DNA sequencing (reading of human genome) easier and faster using nanotechnolo

Do you think nanorobots are good? If yes, why?

Do you face with nanotechnologies in your life? Where?

Are you interested in nanotechnologies? If yes or no, why?