Map for young tourists you would like

As a traveller, do you have any remarks for making an alternative map?

  1. itś just a matter of information ;) and fun
  2. Good luck!!! ;) The hardest part is balance between quantity and quality, also think about the language style for appealing impression, and basically KISS (keep it short and simple)
  3. make it hologram
  4. free food or cheap food and alcohol
  5. mark the best hostel and hotel; maybe a top 5 of things to do;
  6. nope
  7. i want to find places where cool people meet
  8. I fancy in historical places a lot, especially abandoned historic places, small glleries, only local things and I find it difficult to find in new cities. I think that the alternative maps should have quite a lot of text and description of little things in the city in some kind of a tidy and user friendly form.
  9. no
  10. Cheap hostels could be included.