Dear respondent,

I am Rima Navickė, a third-year student of oral hygiene at the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Klaipėda State College of Lithuania, is conducting research aimed at determining the characteristics of oral hygiene and its connections with oral health of patients living in Lithuania and abroad who have the "All-on-4" dental system. The questionnaire is anonymous, and all the data obtained in the study will be used during the thesis. Mark (X) the most appropriate answer option and answer the open questions as accurately and briefly as you can. If you have any questions about the research being conducted, please contact me by email at [email protected]. Thank you for the answers!

Anketos rezultatai yra prieinami tik anketos autoriui

1. What is your gender?

2. What is your age? (Write it down)

3. What is your education?

4. What is your nationality? (Write it down)

5. In which country do you currently live? (Write it down)

6. For what reasons did you lose your own teeth? (Multiple options available)

Other (write it down)

7. How many years ago did you undergo the "All-on-4" full jaw dental restoration procedure?

8. In which country was the All-on-4 maxillary dental restoration procedure performed?

9. Why did you choose the „All-on-4“ tooth restoration technique? (Multiple options available)

I cannot wear removable dentures because (write it down)

Other (write it down)

10. What difficulties did you face before the All-on-4 full jaw restoration procedure? (Multiple options available)

Other (write it down)

11. When was the temporary prosthesis placed after the insertion of the dental implants?

If so, what kind of temporary prosthesis did you wear?

12. When was the permanent fixed prosthesis placed?

If a permanent prosthesis is already in place, what kind of prosthesis are you wearing?

13. Have you noticed more plaque buildup on your temporary prosthesis than on your permanent fixed prosthesis?

14. Have you been trained/shown how to care for fixed prostheses on implants?

15. How did you learn how to properly care for fixed prostheses on implants? (Multiple options available)

Other (write it down)

16. Have you been informed about the possible complications of implants due to poor individual oral hygiene?

17. Have you been informed how often you have to perform professional oral hygiene?

18. Do you think that you have enough knowledge about maintenance of fixed prostheses on implants?

19. Do you think that biological complications such as soft tissue exfoliation, receding gums, bone loss around implants, gingival bleeding about fixed prostheses on implants, can be related to individual oral hygiene?

20. How often do you think it is necessary to clean the oral cavity with the "All-on-4" full jaw restoration system?

21. How much time do you think it takes on average to clean the "All-on-4" tooth restoration system?

22. Do you think that having an „All-on-4“ full jaw dental restoration system requires special care and personal hygiene compared to natural teeth?

23. Have you encountered biological complications about fixed prosthesis on implants?

If so, with which ones? (Multiple options available)

Other (write it down)

24. How do you perform individual oral hygiene? (Mark X)

Morning and evening
Once a day
After every meal
Brushing teeth with a toothbrush and paste
Rinsing the mouth with mouthwash
Cleaning around implants with an interdental brush
Cleaning hard-to-reach areas with a single-tooth brush
Cleaning with a water irrigator
Cleaning the tongue
Expanding thread/super floss

Other (write it down)

25. How often do you brush your fixed prosthesis?

26. What kind of toothbrush do you use?

27. How much time do you spend cleaning a fixed prosthesis?

28. What individual oral care products do you use during daily for individual oral hygiene around fixed prostheses on implants? (Mark X)

Don't use it at all
1 time a week
2-3 times a week
4-5 times a week
Use it daily
Single toothbrush
Interdental brushes
Expanding thread/super floss
Tongue cleaner
Mouth water irrigator

Other (write it down)

29. How often do you visit an oral hygiene specialist for professional oral hygiene?

30. What difficulties do you face when maintaining/cleaning a prosthesis fixed on implants? (Multiple options available)

Other (write it down)

31. How has your individual oral hygiene changed after the "All-on-4" full jaw teeth restoration procedure?

32. How do you rate your individual oral hygiene after the "All-on-4" treatment methodology?