geras autoservisas

Kaip manote, kodėl susidaro eilės autoservisuose?

  1. l;'
  2. On Monday I thought, okay maybe a vaotaicn I didn't catch mentioned. Nope later that day after class nothing but talk, talk, talk. Next day, same thing. I don't know where to go now for classic rock. Kirk and Mike got me through the commute, and the classic rock programming got me through the day. I literally never listen to any other station except WHRO if life was too extreme and I needed something soothing. This is awful and I hope to hear Kirk, Mike, and Shamrock again very soon!!I'm having to settle for Country which is okay, but the morning folks are awful .
  3. specialistu skaičius, masinos gedimo, priklausomai ar servisas pats parduoda detales ar is tiekejų (atsiuntimo laikas).
  4. Todėl kad turi darbo
  5. Del gero aptarnavimo ir saziningo darbo.
  6. kartais del tikrai kokybisku paslaugu, apie kurias daug zmoniu zino ir renkasi ta autoservias, arba del letapedziu darbininku:)
  7. Nežinau, gal dėl apkrovos ir darbuotojų trūkumo.
  8. nes tingiai dirba autoserviso darbuotojai
  9. nieko nera amzino
  10. Nes dirba nekompetetingi meistrai, zemas darbo nasumas, daznos parkes, o kam gerai dirbt babkes juk geras ir taip moka.