Drinking and smoking habits in Lithuania

Hello, I'm student of the Financial Accounting program at the Vilnius Univesity of Applied Sciences, faculty of Economics. I'm currently doing research on the topic: Drinking and smoking habits in Lithuania. The survey is confidential and anonymous. Thank you very much for your answers.

Anketos rezultatai yra prieinami tik anketos autoriui

What is your gender?

What is your age?

Do you either smoke or drink alcohol? (If you pressed no, you can finish the survey)

What age have you first tried to smoke?

How often do you smoke?

What type of nicotine products do you use?

Why do you smoke?

What age have you had your first alcohol drink?

How often do you drink alcohol?

What type of alcohol do you usually drink?

Why do you drink alcohol?

Would you say that you are addicted to either nicotine or alcohol?