Building your own business in computer world

What do you think a new developer needs first of all?

  1. An idea and a way to delevop it
  2. The first thing a developer must have is an idea. The more interesting the idea, the more attention the developer will get, the more attention the higher the chance of getting funding witch is the second crucial part of any business.
  3. cash skills idea time
  4. I don't know
  5. Idea
  6. Chosen industry knowledge/experience.
  7. money
  8. Money Intelegence
  9. passion
  10. yes
  11. i can't understand the question :/
  12. none
  13. developer needs to have big brains a lot of cash and a beautiful woman like you.
  14. Important idea and team.
  15. good product what is able to solve some concrete problem
  16. Money
  17. money, knowledge, team, contacts.
  18. Money
  19. execution plan and a team (network)
  20. time
  21. Computer, Idea
  22. moneym, idea
  23. Developer need marketeer The most important is team