Asian Business Forum - Review

The goal of this questionnaire is to get the Asian Business Forum participants' feedback about the quality of the Event.

Asian Business Forum - Review
Anketos rezultatai yra prieinami tik anketos autoriui

Name, Surname ✪

Contact e-mail

Why did you attend our event? Select all that apply.

Did the event structure provide enought time for you to Network?

How satisfied are you with the event?

Rate one item on a scale

How satisfied are you with thte following aspects of the event

Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Official delegations
Business delegations from Asia
Speakers' Profiles and background
Speakers' Presentations' quality
Attendee list (for Networking)
Topics discussed
Level of detail in the Presentations

What topics would you like to have seen covered or questions answered next Year?

What were your greatest take-aways from the event?

How likely are you to recommend this event to your business partners and colleagues?

Please provide suggestions for improving our future events

Was the duration of the event: