Apklausa apie automobilių remontą

Gerb. respondente, esame Kauno kolegijos Verslo fakulteto Tarptautinio verslo studijų programos studentai.

Šiuo metu atliekame tyrimą, kurio tikslas - išaiškinti vartotojų lūkesčius bei mąstyseną, perkant automobilių dalis.

Apklausos užpildymas užtruks apie 3 minutes.

Apklausa yra anoniminė, apklausos rezultatai bus naudojami tik apibendrintai, tad siūlome į klausimus atsakyti nuoširdžiai bei gerai juos apgalvoti, teisingų ar neteisingų atsakymų nėra, visa tai - jūsų nuomonė.

Anketos rezultatai yra prieinami tik anketos autoriui

1. When repairing your car, do you make sure that the parts are original / OEM? (Please select the correct answer)

2. Read the statements and answer (Choose the most appropriate answer for each statement)

Totally disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Totally agree
I believe that genuine car parts are the best for my car.
I think it is difficult to find an original part from a car manufacturer.
I find that original car parts add value to my car.
I believe that aftermarket parts are of lower quality than the originals.
I find it difficult to find detailed information about the specification of my car.

3. Do you buy car parts online? (Please select the correct answer)

4. Do you consider price before buying car parts? (Please select the correct answer)

5. Do you agree that finding parts for your car could be easier? (Please select the correct answer)

6. Would you be down for a monthly subscription for an app or a website which would give you more insights about your car? (Please select the correct answer)

7. Would a 3D car diagram help you know your car better? (Please select the appropriate answer)

8. What is your current position (Please select the appropriate option):

9. Choose your gender (Please select the appropriate option):

10. Enter your age (Enter in field):