
Kokie ginklai?

  1. meciau zaisti, nepamenu kas liko
  2. Legendary
  3. Exc. Nightmare Swords +all options
  4. dragon exelent
  5. Legendary
  6. www.OverMu.PL
  7. YuHxgbHm
  8. max
  9. all gimle
  10. 112122
  11. bIFliytdNXoTbmBp
  12. bIFliytdNXoTbmBp
  13. smal axe
  14. YJfvxBSDyeORlZ
  15. 9999999999
  16. oRNqYkXDuER
  17. KUNDUNAI +11 ir pora optu
  18. RgtaFbHhszTrPlkXuj
  19. phantom mace +11 all opt
  20. Great lord scepter +10+28
  21. neprisimenu
  22. ddm
  23. sudini
  24. kundun
  25. knights blade
  26. king mace
  27. dragon soul staff grand soul shield
  28. exl ddm+15+full
  29. exe chaos drg axe
  30. lighting sword +11 +6opt
  31. 2 gimles+all
  33. exc phantom mace
  34. dare dewill mace
  35. mace of king
  36. Giant Bow+skill+luck+11
  37. Spirit Sword+11+Skill+28
  38. Legendarys staff+11
  39. nzn
  40. ginklas tai exc chaos dragon axe
  41. exe crystal sword +15+28+option
  42. legendary staff exelen +11
  43. shaos +3
  44. exe mace of King
  45. kundun staff +7+28
  46. mace of kimg
  47. legendary sword +9
  48. exe phaton + all option+11+28
  49. Tas pats...
  50. dare devil exc +11
  51. Keon
  52. Keon
  53. Keon
  54. kundun staf
  55. dark reigh blade +9+skill
  56. sad
  57. ne...
  58. 2 Blade of devourer