Do you want things to return to 'normal'? (COVID-19 situation)

What’s your vision for the future?

  1. Half of remote learning, half in classes
  2. I hope that by the end of spring/ beginning of the summer, we will start going back to normal and the society (in all aspects) gets back together. We will be able to study in person, travel again and appreciate what we have had before. And acknowledging the situation of our planet and our surroundings much more.
  3. People will have to understand that the world not gonna be the same.
  4. Everything comes back to normal
  5. I hope that we will start to appreciate the little things in your life.
  6. Have more motivation
  7. All nighters at mkic
  8. I truly hope that we will return to the live learning
  9. Studying on campus :)
  10. I hope that everything will back to normal as soon as possible.