Do you want things to return to 'normal'? (COVID-19 situation)

What’s your vision for the future?

  1. It would be best to attend theory lectures online and seminars on campus. And also have the possibility to attend class online if you cannot come to campus. Besides that, many universities abroad record their lectures, so I think this is also suggestion to ISM - I believe in university students are responsible for themselves and it would be great not only for you own time management but also to review some information presented.
  2. I believe that some lectures are more productive online, and some require beong in person, so a mixed system can be very beneficial. I would enjoy having some lectures in person and some online during the next semester.
  3. Going to the uni having fun, engaging in the course
  4. You can’t do much about the situation, but after the pandemic is gone, I would love to make best memories at university
  5. World where we value our 'normal' lifes way more
  6. Studies on campus
  7. whatever ya know
  8. To come back to the usual way of learning (in real life).
  9. To come back to university asap by acquiring medical recommendations
  10. Lets hope things go back to normal - the way they were before corona. I guess just a bit more clean.