Birthday celebration traditions in East Asian countries (China, South Korea and Japan) and Lithuania

What aspects/traditions of birthday celebrations do you cherish/enjoy the most? Why? Are you planning to pass those traditions to you children in the future?why?

  1. Eating cake with people you like.
  2. I enjoy the candle blowing and cake eating the most, because it makes me realize that it really is my birthday, not just any random day. I think that even if I don't specifically pass on this tradition, it would automatically stay alive in the next generations as well, as it is such a widespread tradition.
  3. I think that I enjoy blowing candles the most. It's so nice to make a wish and believe in it while blowing candles. This tradition is very popular, so I think that my children will also do this.
  4. If friends suprises me.
  5. My children can celebrating how they wonnt to and were they wannt to.
  6. cake, definitely
  7. I cherish small gestures, personal calls, I think biggest present you can get is other person's time. And this is what I would want to pass to my children, just show them that going big is not always the way and giving your time and attention are two things with which you cannot go wrong.
  8. I guess I would love my children to just always come to me during bday at least that I could give them a hug. So just a little visit to relatives on bday or around birthday would be great.
  9. I think the tradition to think a wish before blowing candles is really adorable and it gives you hope as well as motivation/inspiration to follow your dreams.
  10. I enjoy the most the fact that I can be with family that comes to visit not so often. For me its like family celebratin but I get presents. And yes I will try to pass it to children.