Birthday celebration traditions in East Asian countries (China, South Korea and Japan) and Lithuania

What aspects/traditions of birthday celebrations do you cherish/enjoy the most? Why? Are you planning to pass those traditions to you children in the future?why?

  1. 100 days old- yes I dont know much about traditional birthday events
  2. Malonu kad suvažiuoja draugai, vaikai. Namie būna daug artimųjų, būn labai jauku. Tradiciškai vaikai laukia torto pjaustymo. Planuoju perduoti, kad išmoktų suburti artimuosius, nepasimirštų tradiciniai receptai maisto patiekalų, kuriuos gaminame.
  3. i think like my grandma's birthday, a lot of relatives come and wetalk, eat and share things. i think it is nice. i don't think i will have children in the future so sadly this tradition won't pass to generation
  4. Being with friends who cherish me and remember my special day. No children Toma. They suck.
  5. Gimtuvininko kilojimas ant kėdės. Nes visi jau būna pakankamai prigėrę ir labai juokinga kai jie banfo mane iškelti :D Žinoma, nes reikia biškį pavojaus gyvenime :D (pavojus tas, kad tikriausiai iš kėdės tave išvers)
  6. Blowing candles, making home food, yes i plan to pass those traditions
  7. I'd like to meet my family and friends on this day, yet no one is interested in hanging out with me, on my birthday :D I wish my kids won't be so lonelly