Birthday celebration traditions in East Asian countries (China, South Korea and Japan) and Lithuania

What presents do you usually give to others/receive? Tell me more about them. Are they based on some kind of tradition or not in your opinion?

  1. I often give/receive flowers, balloons, some sweets, like chocolate, ice creams, cake, maybe a champagne or wine bottle, money or gift coupons. These are a very popular and boring gifts, and maybe it developed in some kind of tradition, that if you go to someone's birthday you should bring flowers or some drinks. It is not mandatory, but it became a VERY usual gift.
  2. I choice somethings which are needed by receiver or seems suit the parson. And I request about my presents to others usually. They do not relate tradition.
  3. I give sweets ,stationary, or accessory. In my opinion
  4. If I know the person very well, I try to find out what they currently want/need and give them exactly that (for example clothes, accessories, makeup, etc.). If I don't know the person that well, or just have no idea what to get, I tend to stick to very neutral and not that pricey options, such as candles, flowers, picture frames, or simply money. I usually receive similar gifts myself as well (when it comes to close friends we actually try to "coordinate" and give each other gifts with similar value, so that no one would feel like they did too much or too little for the other). I also get some things useful in everyday life, like dishes (especially from family members who don't know much about my hobbies or style preferences). I don't think any of those gifts are based on tradition, at least not as far as I'm aware (I am not that interested in Lithuanian traditions).
  5. I give presents that I 100% know that people will like them. I do a big research or very often I make presents by myself. I give a lot of things that are somehow related to the person or our relationship and etc.
  6. Well, I always reiceive and give to others money, because I think it's the best present if you don't have time to buy something, at the other hand, there is a chance for people to buy whatever they want and they won't be dissapointed of their present. Yes, I guess to give and get money as a present is like a tradicion. I mean, everybody usually gives money for people who are celebrating birthday.
  7. I pay attention to what the person's interested in, that's how I pick the presents
  8. Money.
  9. Usually flowers, gift-cards, money, books. Mostly not traditional.
  10. Maybe when I was little, mom and dad bestow me toy. And now I don't presents, I thenkful because they remember my birthday