Value orientation and environmental beliefs of Lithuania

Vilnius University masters degree student of International Economics invites you to fill out this quick survey whos data will be used in preparing the statistical part of master thesis "Value orientation and environmental beliefs of different counties". The results will help to establish the difference of value orientation and environmental beliefs of Lithuanians to other European countries. The survey is anonymous, the results will be used only for statistics.

Anketos rezultatai yra viešai prieinami

Your gender:

Your age:

Your place or residence:

Please indicate how important each below value is for you AS A GUIDING PRINCIPLE IN YOUR LIFE. -1 is for rating any values opposed to the principles that guide you.7 is for rating a value of supreme importance as a guiding principle in your life; ordinarily there are no more than two such values. Try to distinguish as much as possible between the values by using different numbers.

-1 - opposed to my values
0 - not important
3 - important
6 - very important
7 - of supreme importance
EQUALITY (equal opportunity for all)
RESPECTING THE EARTH (harmony with other species)
SOCIAL POWER (control over others, dominance)
UNITY WITH NATURE (fitting intonature)
A WORLD AT PEACE (free of war and conflict)
WEALTH (material possessions, money)
AUTHORITY (the right to lead or command)
SOCIAL JUSTICE (correcting injustice, care for the weak)
INFLUENTIAL (having an impact on people and events)
HELPFUL (working for the welfare of others)
PREVENTING POLLUTION (protecting natural resources)
AMBITIOUS (hard-working, aspiring)

Below you can find 8 statements about awareness of consequence and norms regarding reducing the use of cars. Please indicate how strongly you agree or do not agree to them.

1 - totally disagree
4 - neither agree nor disagree
7 - totally agree
Car use causes exhaustion of scarce resources, such as oil.
Car use takes up a lot of space resulting in less space for cyclists, pedestrians and children.
Car use is an important cause of traffic-related accidents.
Car use reduces urban quality of life due to traffic noise and odor nuisance.
By reducing car use the level of air pollution will decrease.
I feel personally obliged to travel in an environmentally sound way, such as by using the bike or public transport.
I would be a better person if I more often used other transport modes instead of the car.
I don’t feel guilty when I use the car even though there are other feasible transport alternatives available.