Scouse dialect

Do you feel any negative attitude towards you speaking Scouse? If yes, please give some examples

  1. scallys. when theyre like "arrr lad gerrus a bevvie der m8"
  2. no, i rarely leave liverpool
  3. When You Speak Scouse Like People Think You Have Just Robbed Der Ken And Da
  4. When I travel outside Liverpool I find that people will joke about my accent and ask me things like "Do you steal cars?" etc... Often when they ask this they are joking.
  5. No
  6. Typecast as 'Scallies'.
  7. There's the old jokes about us all being thieves and unemployed. It can be a stumbling block at first, but then can be used as an ice breaker, have the little joke, and then get to know the person for who you really are!!
  8. no
  9. no
  10. On the phone to call centres in other countries.