Image of the city of Tartu

Anketos rezultatai yra prieinami tik anketos autoriui

Your name (or nickname)

What is your gender: male/female

When and in what city are you born?

Where do you live now? have you ever changed living place? Maybe you have lived abroad? If yes, in which country, town?

What is your specialization?

What is your nationality? And what is your mother tongue language?

What is your religion?

In your opinion, what is Tartu and Estonian identity? What symbols or images you associate with the city of Tartu?

What the people of Tartu could be proud of?

Which locations in the city are your favorite and why?

Which locations in the city are the most favorite for your's parents and grandparents and why?

In your opinion, what are the most important historical objects in the city?

What are the most important nature objects in the city of Tartu?

In your opinion does the image of Tartu is changing? If yes, why do you think so?

In your opinion, what are the most important architecture objects in Tartu?

In your opinion, what influence universities have in Tartu city?

What is the image of the city of Tartu abroad?

What the city of Tartu stands out from other Estonian cities?

Who contributes to the image of the city of Tartu and the good name of it?

Describe the weakness of Tartu?

In your opinion, is Tartu popular between the tourists and why?

Describe citizens of Tartu

What stereotypes of Tartu and its citizens do you know?