Birthday celebration traditions in East Asian countries (China, South Korea and Japan) and Lithuania

Is any of your birthdays more important than others? For example your first birthday and the others that you had?

  1. No, they were all the same as far as I remember. I don't know how my first birthday was celebrated. Probably it was a joy to my family and they made a huge thing out of it.
  2. Of course, the first one is the most important. Then 16th and 18th.
  3. No.
  4. Yes
  5. Well my 18th birthday was and still is very important. In my opinion every birthday is important.
  6. I suppose it's the eighteenth birthday, since you legally become an adult, so it's kind of big deal, isn't it?
  7. Well, my 18th birthday was really important because I became an adult, but in general, birthdays are not really important for me.
  8. The most important birthday to me will be when I turn 18, because it's when you become of age.
  9. No. Birthday is just a day when my age number changes.
  10. The most important birthdays are those you remember with smile :D