Birthday celebration traditions in East Asian countries (China, South Korea and Japan) and Lithuania

What birthday traditions do you follow? Regarding food, music, presents, etc.

  1. Cake with candles, always
  2. I do not remember any traditions except for giving/receiving handwritten card or letter. This is super important no matter who or when. Even though these kind of things are not popular anymore, digitalization is everything but that is what makes it more personal.
  3. The only tradition I go with is cake. If there is no cake, it's not a bday.
  4. I always get my favourite food during my birthday, everything else varies every year.
  5. Every year I have to celebrate with family thats my tradition.
  6. In Lithuania I don't know any traditions. But I have my own tradition, that I would never try to give money, or just buy gift without putting any effort. I always try to find something, that would fit other persons personality, that tells little story about that person.
  7. None. We try to be diverse.
  8. Bithday cake, singing tradicional birthday song
  9. The most important thing for me is all the family and relative meeting spending some time together. Also what kind of birthday would be without "Happy birthday" song and a birthday cake.
  10. No traditions.