Birthday celebration traditions in East Asian countries (China, South Korea and Japan) and Lithuania

Do you celebrate your birthday? Which birthday was the first one that you remember till now? Where are you celebrating them: at home, in the restaurant??

  1. yes. i remember my 18th BD. At home
  2. Sometimes I celebrate my birthday, but nothing big. In childhood I celebrated it with my familly. Just a little bigger than usually dinner with everyone, a cake, sometimes candles on the cake. But when I became an adult, I don't really celebrate it, I just meet my friends, usually at home, have a few drink, and some fun talk together.
  3. The first birthday in my mind is when I became 6 years old. We usually celebrated birthdays of the member of my family in the restaurant few years ago. However, recently, we hold a party at the home.
  4. Yes I do. Last year At home
  5. I usually celebrate my birthday, but it's a rather small celebration. I usually celebrate at home with family and a few close friends. I think the earliest birthday I can remember is when I was 10 years old, because it was one of the first times when I was allowed to invite some friends over, rather than just celebrating with family, as per usual.
  6. Yes, I celebrate my birthday. The one that I remeber from my childhood the most is my 3rd birthday, because me and my family went outside and played a lot of games. Most often I celebrate them at home.
  7. Yes, I always celebrate my birthday, it's like a tradition to me. My first birthday that I can remebar is my 5th birthday. I enjoyd spending time with my friends and family, we were picnicking and it was very nice. Most of the time I celebrate my birthday at home just with a few friends, because it seems to be nice. But I'm planning to celebrate my 18th birthday at the restaurant.
  8. I do celebrate my birthday. The one I remember the most is my 18th. I celebrate them at home, most of the time.
  9. No really. My fifth birthday. Most of the times at home. I was born on new years eve, so wherever I celebrate New year.
  10. No, I do not celebrate my birthday. I think the first one which I remember is my 16th. Usually I celebrate it at home with family.