Birthday celebration traditions in East Asian countries (China, South Korea and Japan) and Lithuania

Do you celebrate your birthday? Which birthday was the first one that you remember till now? Where are you celebrating them: at home, in the restaurant??

  1. No. Maybe 12 birthday be first which I was celebrate. At home.
  2. Yes, always; 4th probably, that was the age I actually started to remember things. The best birthday I had was my 20th I guess. Until I turn to 20, I was having a house parties, after that-clubbing.
  3. When I was in kindergarden and first few years in primary school my mom would use to do these childish birthday parties with games and food and cake at home. These birthdays I remember to this day, it was not something super special or big, not 20 people like in the movies but I guess that is what made it special, just a few close friends, cosy and warm. When I got older I stopped celebrating my birthday at all. All I do is treat my best friend with a nice meal or coctails, join my family at the dinner table and share the cake and wine.
  4. Sometimes. Maybe my 11 birthday because it was the first one I celebrated without my fam. Depends, if I do celebrate them it's usually out.
  5. I always celebrate my birthday, but it's something minor, just hanging out with friends in a cafe and then getting together with my family members at home.
  6. My 17th birthday. I spend with friends at home.
  7. I remember my 10 birthday. I celebrated it at home.
  8. I don't celebrate it. I remember, that when I was 12 years old, I stopped celebrating my birthdays, and it always were at my home.
  9. Yes. The first birthday I remember was when I turned 5. I celebrate them at home.
  10. Yes. 5th birthday was the first I remember. Usually at home