Self-efficacy of LSMU and VU dental students in endodontic treatment

I am Rugilė Juškaitė, a 4th year student at the Faculty of Dentistry of LSMU. I am doing my master's thesis on the topic "Self-efficacy of LSMU and VU dental students in endodontic treatment". The aim of the study is to assess the correlation of self-confidence of dental students with the acquired endodontic knowledge and the number of treated canals. Participation in the survey is completely voluntary. Your confidentiality will be ensured: the questionnaire used for the survey is anonymous and the structured data will be used in the Master's thesis for scientific purposes. By completing the survey you agree to participate in my research. If you have any questions about the survey or any questions you may have during the survey, you can contact me by email: [email protected]

If you have chosen one answer option that suits you (unless otherwise indicated), please mark it with an X.

Thank you for your time and answers!

The results of this questionnaire are not made public

Anketos rezultatai yra prieinami tik anketos autoriui

1. Your gender: ✪

2. Your nationality: ✪

3. Which university are you studying at? ✪

4. Which course are you studying in?  ✪

5. I would have had more: ✪

Clinical seminars/Tutorials
Preclinical/Simulated clinical training
Root canal treatments on patients
Difficult cases of root canal treatments on patients
Feedback on my performance from my supervisor
Feedback on my performance from my peer

6. I would have had less: ✪

Clinical seminars/Tutorials
Preclinical/Simulated clinical training
Root canal treatments on patients
Difficult cases of root canal treatments on patients
Feedback on my performance from my supervisor
Feedback on my performance from my peer

7. Please choose the answer that best suits you: Self-confidence scale during endodontic treatment 1 - strongly disagree, 2 - disagree, 3 - agree, 4 - strongly agree ✪

I can always manage to solve difficult endodontic problems if I try hard enough
If a patient opposes me, I can find the means and ways to get what I want
It is easy for me to stick to my endodontic aims and accomplish my goals
I am confident that my endodontic knowledge will help me to deal effectively with unexpected events
Thanks to my resourcefulness, I know how to handle unforeseen endodontic situations
I can solve most endodontic problems if I invest the necessary effort
I can remain calm when facing difficulties concerning an endodontic case because I can rely on my coping abilities
When I am confronted with an endodontic problem, I can usually find several solutions
If I am in trouble during an endodontic treatment, I can usually think of a solution
I can usually handle whatever comes my way during endodontic treatment

8. How do you rate your endodontic knowledge: 1 - poor, 2 - acceptable, 3 - good, 4 - excellent ✪

Making a diagnosis
The steps involved in endodontic treatment
About possible complications during root canal treatment
Assessing tooth prognosis after endodontic treatment
Choosing the right instruments for your treatment

9. Have you taken any additional endodontic courses? ✪

10. How many and which teeth did you treat during your clinical endodontic practice (please tick): ✪

Third molars

11. Do you think that a higher number of root canals treated is associated with a higher self-efficacy during endodontic treatment? ✪

12. What do you think could improve students' confidence in endodontic treatment? (fill in) ✪