MICROBE Method Evaluation Form

MICROBE Method integrates coronaviruses and stress management techniques, Damasio’s somatic marker hypothesis (Damasio, 1994); Russell’s circumplex model of affect (Russell, 1980); emotional, affective, biometrics and the surrounding environment (pollution, noise, etc.) (pollution, noise, etc.) data; neuro-decision and neuro-correlation matrices; biometric and opinion mining methods; spatial analysis of categorical data by means of built environment analysis and multiplecriteria methods, for example, generation of human affective, emotional, biometrical states and the surrounding environment (pollution, noise, etc.) maps; neuro-questionnaire method; affective computing. It also involves statistical analysis (LOGIT, KNN, MBP, RBP), recommender technique and Web-based opinion analytics technique, as well as five methods for multiple-criteria analysis. Consultations will be held with scholars from foreign countries is expected regarding the integration of different research methods.

The purpose of this survey is to identify the advantages and disadvantages of the developed method, which would help to improve the developed method.

The method description can be found in the link: http://microbe-erasmus.vilniustech.lt/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Developed-MICROBE-method-2.pdf

Erasmus+ project No. 2020-1-LT01-KA203-078100 “Minimizing the influence of coronavirus in a built environment” (MICROBE)

MICROBE Method Evaluation Form
Anketos rezultatai yra prieinami tik anketos autoriui

1. Your age:

2. Type of company you work for:

If other, in what type of company you work for:

3. Your work experience:

4. How would you rate the MICROBE Method?


5. What do you like most about the MICROBE Method?

Please, specify:

6. What do you like least about the MICROBE Method?

Please, specify:

7. Is the Stage 1: Formulation of the Research Problem appropriate and necessary?

8. Is the Stage 2: Literature Review appropriate and necessary?

9. Is the Stage 3: The Big Picture appropriate and necessary?

10. Is Stage 4: Scanning a Human-Centered Built Environment and Collecting Data understandable and necessary?

11. Is the Stage 5: The Integrated MICROBE Method understandable and necessary?

12. Is the Stage 6: Development of the MICROBE System understandable and necessary?

13. Is the Stage 7: Multiple-Criteria Analysis of Alternatives understandable and necessary?

14. Is the Stage 8: The MICROBE Correlation Subsystem (Correlation Metrics Subsystem) understandable and necessary?

15. Is the Stage 9: Real-time negative emotions and possible COVID-19 indices in Vilnius understandable and necessary?

16. Is the Stage 10: Assessing the Accuracy of the MICROBE through Verification and Validation understandable and necessary?

17. Do you have to suggest an additional stage for the MICROBE Method?

Please, specify:

18. How satisfied are you with the ability to integrate MICROBE Method with other services?


19. Would you recommend the MICROBE Method to others?

20. Do you have any suggestions for improving the MICROBE method?