Palanga Tourism Information Centre is conducting a quantitative study to reveal the needs and expectations of Palanga tourists. The public service groups of the survey are: municipal and environmental management, culture and sport, transport and communication, accommodation and catering, and tourist information services. Your participation in the survey will enable us to carry out a qualitative analysis of the Tourist Satisfaction with Palanga Resort Index. The survey is anonymous and the data obtained will be used to analyse the aggregated results. Thank you for your answers and your valuable time!

Anketos rezultatai yra prieinami tik anketos autoriui

Your gender:

Your age:

Which country and city do you come from (please fill in):

Your social status:

Your educational background:

How many members make up your family, including you:

Your average monthly income per family member (EUR):

How many times a year do you stay in Palanga?

What time of year do you usually stay in Palanga?

What are the purposes of your stay in Palanga?

Who do you usually spend time with in Palanga:

What is the most common length of your stay in Palanga?

Where do you usually stay in Palanga?

What transport did you use to get to Palanga?

Your most frequent means of travelling in Palanga (multiple choice):

What activities do you (or would you) usually choose to do while relaxing in Palanga resort?

Evaluate the services offered by the Palanga Tourism Information Centre:

1 - very bad
2 - bad
3 - average
4 - good
5 - very good
No opinion / not relevant
Tourist information service
Supply of tourism information publications
Availability of tourism information
Supply of information stands
Souvenir range
Centre location and opening hours

Evaluate the accommodation and catering services in Palanga:

1 - very bad
2 - bad
3 - average
4 - good
5 - very good
No opinion / not relevant
Accommodation options
Availability of places to eat
Pet friendliness
Quality of spa facilities
Conference facilities

Evaluate Palanga's municipal economy and environmental management services:

1 - very bad
2 - bad
3 - average
4 - good
5 - very good
No opinion / not relevant
Lighting in public places
Cleanliness in urban public spaces
Supply of playgrounds for children
Cleanliness of beaches
Recreational facilities (walkways, toilets, etc.)

Rate the services offered by Palanga Culture and Sport:

1 - very bad
2 - bad
3 - average
4 - good
5 - very good
No opinion / not relevant
Offer of events
Offer of excursions
Nature, recreational parks and spaces
Quality of tourist routes
Supply of places to visit
Supply and quality of educational activities
Activities of museums
Offer of events
Offer of active leisure activities (active leisure)
Supply of shopping facilities
Cycling infrastructure
Offer of sports grounds
Entertainment and services for children

Evaluate Palanga's transport and communication services:

1 - very bad
2 - bad
3 - average
4 - good
5 - very good
No opinion / not relevant
Public transport supply
Car parking facilities
Parking prices
Availability of rental transport (cars, bicycles, etc.)
Activities of the Post Office

Overall assessment:

1 - very bad
2 - bad
3 - average
4 - good
5 - very good
No opinion / not relevant
Quality of tourism services in Palanga
Tourist attractiveness of Palanga
Animal friendliness of Palanga
Eco-friendliness/sustainability of Palanga
Safety of the city of Palanga

In your opinion, what kind of infrastructure is missing in Palanga resort? (several options available)

Would you recommend your relatives, friends or family to visit Palanga?

Enter your email and win a cup of Palanga! We will randomly select the winners at the end of the survey. :)